Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Introduction w Family Tree Chart

Updated 4/19/2014 with a new Tree chart using the same name and link and better printing instructions.

The chart which shows the connections between the names I already started using in the first post, with some additions and corrections. It is still a pdf file that prints out at 36”x24”, but here are revised printing instructions for a multi-page printout on letter sized paper.
In Adobe set your printer to landscape,  select 'tile' page 3 wide by 3 tall.  This should give you 9 sheets of legible printout.  Or, I've also added some markings in the margins.  2 horizontal lines on the left and right in the tan margin and 2 ><'s in the top and bottom edges.  If you select  these as page corners and print these 9 pages separately you should also get legible printouts.

Try this link: 4/11/2014 at 7:20a

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